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Hello, my foul weather friend.
These thick sheets of rain
seem to have hindered your way again
and the winds, I can feel the winds, they've gotten so strong,
no wonder You're back to our home.
My ears are always open to your laments
and my will is always weak for your advances,
and I'll play the maid and clean up the mess
Your face, I look at your face and it's changed since we last spoke
it s weathered and beautiful,
so weathered and so beautiful
please have a seat, I was going anywhere
but that can wait
because I'd rather have you here while I can
then I'll pack it all up and take you with me again
My ears are always open to your laments
and my will is always weak for your advances,
and I'll play the maid and clean up the mess
I wasn't like anyone else
so real and so strong, so you said
it's always," welcome back, I'll take your bags "
things haven't changed much since you left my side
and though your rooms been unoccupied,
I have tried to give it up.
So here are my ears again and here are my arms
and here are my hopes again,
just please keep coming back.

Live Setlist Database:
Played in 2008:1
Played in 2007:2
Played in 2005:1
Played in 2004:4
Played in 2003:6
Played in 2002:5
Played in 2001:1
Last played on:2008-10-24

Photo: Jason Tang


"Duck Poorshelf" - The PG version of what Matt said to that woman from the Boston Globe.